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It is an abnormal growth of the conjunctiva over the cornea. It may be small or it may cover the pupil, and when this happens, it affects vision.

Symptoms generally depend on its size, larger ones may cause greater discomfort on the surface of the eye.

What causes them?

Prolonged exposure to the sun or recurrent inflammation or irritation on the surface of the eyes due to dry eyes, polluted, dusty environments or exposure to chemicals.

Some symptoms may include:

  • Blurred vision

  • Irritation

  • Swelling

  • Itching

  • Red eye

  • Foreign body sensation

  • Dryness or itching

What is the treatment?

For small pterygia, eye drops that lubricate the eyes can be used to reduce the sensation of discomfort.

For larger, vision-threatening or very symptomatic pterygiums, surgery is necessary to remove the affected conjunctival tissue and replace it with healthy tissue (a graft) from the patient's own conjunctiva.

Can it be prevented?

The best way to prevent them is by protecting our eyes from UV rays and visiting the ophthalmologist if you have any symptoms to determine if any treatment is necessary so that your vision is not affected.


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